20 Hispanic & Latina Women To Know


“What if the community health worker is a breast cancer survivor or had previously had an abnormal screening that identified something that needed further services? What aspects of the relationship most impact patient satisfaction with care?

The Latina share of the female population in the United States will increase from 16.4 percent today to 25.7 percent in 2050. Latinas are making significant strides in education, participation, health, and other areas, but there is a long way to go to fully close racial and ethnic disparities. New policies such as the Affordable Care Act, or ACA, and other proposed policies such as immigration reform can greatly improve the lives of https://1971ffsatkania.org/how-to-care-for-venezuelan-girls/ and their families.

Not only do Hispanic/Latina women have lower utilization of screening mammography, but many also delay following up on abnormal screening tests. The resulting delay in the treatment of breast cancer in Hispanic/Latina women affects the prognosis. With time, tumors become larger and are more likely to spread to other areas of the body, requiring more extensive treatment and making them more difficult to eradicate.

Her father had been an influential local leader before he had been murdered by Anglo squatters on his land grant. Her stepfather’s later political appointment brought her family to live in Santa Fe where her maternal uncle was a major politician who had played a key role during the state constitutional convention.

The First Woman And First Latina Chairwoman In California Gop History Leads The Party Forward

NWLC also estimates that over the course of a 40-year career, with the current wage gap, the average Latina would lose over a million dollars in wages. Wage gaps also harm the individuality of working Latinas and limit their social and economic mobility. Rooted in the coronavirus outbreak, job losses in the latest recession have been concentrated in sectors in which social distancing of workers is difficult or the option to telework is lacking. Just three sectors – leisure and hospitality, education and health services, and retail trade – accounted for 59% of the total loss in nonfarm jobs from February to May. These sectors also accounted for 47% of jobs held by women in February, compared with 28% for men, exposing women to a higher risk of unemployment in recent months.

We expect the number of cases to increase over time because the population of the U.S. increases over time . To know whether or not breast cancer rates are changing over time, you have to compare rates, rather than the number of new cases. Different breast cancer mortality trends may have been seen in some groups of women. From , breast cancer mortality decreased by 40 percent due to improved breast cancer treatment and early detection .

Additionally, estimates of virus prevalence need to be interpreted carefully until studies directly comparing pregnant women and the general population are completed. HBNA offers opportunities to California students who wish to pursue higher education and a career in business. NHBWA is a nonprofit organization established in 1997 to “empower and encourage women and business owners to develop and increase their business through educational seminars and speakers, by offering mutual support, the sharing of information, business referrals, and networking.” LATINA Style , launched in 1994, was the first national magazine published addressing the needs and interests of Latinas. LSM covers beauty, business, investing, relationships, and as well as many other topics of interest to Latinas and Hispanic women.

Alternatively, Hispanic women who receive a high school diploma experience a wage gap that is about 10 log points lower than Hispanic women who dropped out before graduating high school. In contrast, the benefit of some college is marginal in closing the wage gap, and the benefits of a bachelor’s degree are even smaller.

We also controlled for cycles and trends specific to preterm births among Latina women that could induce spurious associations in a simple, before-and-after study design. These prestressor patterns presumably reflect the population’s adaptation to an environment possibly interrupted by the stressor. Our theory assumes that the policy and regulatory environment of the Obama administration constituted, in part, the environment to which Latina women, among others, had adapted for nearly 8 years and that Trump promised to change if elected. That is, we argue that the policy and regulatory environment promised under President Trump would be perceived as more hostile to Latina women when compared with the policy and regulatory environment they experienced under President Obama. In the only study of the potential effect of the 2016 presidential election on birth outcomes, Krieger and colleagues19 found that the rate of preterm births among Latina women in New York, New York, increased from 7.7% before the inauguration to 8.2% after.

Maternal race/ethnicity was classified in accordance with the 1997 Office of Management and Budget standards.28 Covariates included monthly counts of male and female preterm births to non-Latina women as well as term births to Latina women. We defined gestational age based on the date of the last menstrual period to ensure consistency across time. As described below, we used 94 months of the presidency of Barack Obama to estimate counterfactual values of preterm births to Latina women during the 9 months beginning November 1, 2016, and ending July 31, 2017. The 2016 US presidential election appears to have been associated with an increase in preterm births among US Latina women.

In the United States, the rate of breast cancer in Hispanic/Latina women is lower than in non-Hispanic white women. (The incidence is even less in Hispanic/Latina women who were not born in the country.) But those statistics can be deceiving. Barriers to work often give rise to business ownership and entrepreneurship in the Hispanic community. Mora says her research finds that a lot of Hispanic small business growth is driven by women, particularly immigrants. Entrepreneurship has helped bolster employment, but may not close the wage gap if it stems from being locked out of other forms of work, Mora says.

The culturally sensitive editorial environment we provide showcases Latina achievements in all areas, including business, science, civic affairs, education, entertainment, sports, and the arts. We also offer technology tips and reviews, entertainment reviews, travel recommendations, investment guidance, beauty tips, food and drink recipes, automotive updates, and career advice—in summary, all of the things that impact the quality of life.

Historically, job losses in recessions, including the Great Recession, have centered around goods-producing sectors, such as manufacturing and construction, in which men have a greater presence. Before developing the AMIGAS adaptation, we conducted 3 focus groups with ethnically and culturally diverse Latina women to explore the factors that increased their HIV risks. We collected ethnographic data on their beliefs related to gender and social norms and sexual communication, as well as their knowledge and misconceptions concerning HIV.

Black men also have higher breast cancer mortality than white and Hispanic men . Rates of breast cancer incidence and mortality are much lower among men than among women [58-59]. This section provides an overview of breast cancer statistics for many populations.