Chart Of Accounts


Track your debts on the right-hand side of your balance sheet. List short-term liabilities first on your balance sheet. Record noncurrent or long-term liabilities after your short-term liabilities. Liabilities play a huge role in your balance sheet. Continually record liabilities as you incur or pay off debts. If you don’t update your books, your report will give you an inaccurate representation of your finances.

Liabilities are amounts owed by a corporation or a person to creditors for past transactions. Not all business transactions take place in cash.

Types of Liability Accounts

Examples Of Liabilities

Your business is most likely subject to income tax. Income taxes payable is your business’s income tax obligation that you owe to the government. Income taxes payable are considered current liabilities. Most small & medium-term businesses do not possess enough cash to expand their business.

The title of a liability account usually ends with the word “payable”. Examples include accounts payable, bills payable, wages payable, interest payable, rent payable and loan payable etc. Besides these, any revenue received in advance is also a liability of the business and is known as unearned revenue. For example, a marketing firm may receive marketing fee from its client for the forthcoming quarter in advance. bookkeeping Such unearned revenue would be recorded as a liability as long as the related marketing services against it are not provided to the client who has made the advance payment. Liabilities is an account in which the company maintains all its records like such as debts, obligations, payable income taxes, customer deposits, wages payable, expenses occurred. Liability accounts will normally have a credit balance.

Taxes payable –The taxes payable includes many types of taxes like Income tax, Sales Tax, bookkeeping 101 Professional Tax, Payroll tax. A liability arises from a past transaction or event.

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Types of Liability Accounts

Learn accounting fundamentals and how to read financial statements with CFI’s free online accounting classes. Long-term liabilities are crucial in determining a company’s long-term solvency. If companies are unable to repay their long-term liabilities as they become due, then the company will face a solvency crisis. Many companies choose to issuebondsto the public in order to finance future growth. Bonds are essentially contracts to pay the bondholders the face amount plus interest on the maturity date. Some assets like goodwill, stock investments, patents, and websites can’t be touched.

General ledger liability accounts represent the financial obligations that a business entity owes to outside parties. Liability accounts are also categorized as current or non-current. Current liabilities are those items that must be paid within one year, such as salaries and accounts payable. Non-current liabilities are debts and other financial obligations that are due after one year, such as long-term loans and notes. Assigned general ledger numbers for a liability account are 2000 through 2999. Current liabilities – these liabilities are reasonably expected to be liquidated within a year.

There are mainly four types of liabilities in a business; current liabilities, non-current liabilities, contingent liabilities & capital. Noncurrent liabilities, or long-term liabilities, are debts that are not due within a year. List your long-term liabilities separately on your balance sheet. Accrued expenses, long-term loans, mortgages, and deferred taxes are just a few examples of noncurrent liabilities. Companies that are listed publicly need to pay their shareholders in dividends.

Examples are accumulated depreciation , and the allowance for bad debts . Equity accounts represent the residual equity of an entity . Equity accounts include common stock, paid-in capital, and retained earnings. The type and captions used for equity accounts are dependent on the type of entity. Equity may be in assets such as buildings and equipment, or cash. are expenses that the company has incurred but not yet paid, these are liabilities for expenses such as interest and income taxes.

Liabilities are defined as debts owed to other companies. In a sense, a liability is a creditor’s claim on a company’ assets. In other words, the creditor has the right to confiscate assets what are retained earnings from a company if the company doesn’t pay it debts. Most state laws also allow creditors the ability to force debtors to sell assets in order to raise enough cash to pay off their debts.

Pretty much all accounting systems separate groups of assets into differentaccounts. These accounts are organized into current and non-current categories. A current asset is one that has a useful life of one year or less. Non-current assets have a useful life of longer than one year. Valuation account is an account used to report the carrying value of an asset or liability in the balance sheet. A popular example of valuation account is the accumulated depreciation account. Companies maintaining fixed assets in the books of accounts at their original cost also maintain an accumulated depreciation account for each fixed asset.

As a business owner, incurring debts is inevitable. In fact, the average small business owner has $195,000 of debt. Companies experiencing cash flow problems can make use of liabilities to improve liquidity. Notes payable are written promissory notes, whereby a lender lends a specific amount to a borrower. The borrower promises to pay the amount with interest over a specific pre-determined time. Generally, a company may need more funds then a typical bank can provide, hence companies may resort to bonds to cover their unmet financing need. A company is liable to make annual interest& principal payments to these investors.

Types of Liability Accounts

Current and former clients include The HOTH, Bisnode Sverige, Nutracelle, CLICK – The Coffee Lover’s Protein Drink, InstaCuppa, Marketgoo, GoHarvey, Internet Brands, and more. In her daily life, Ms. Picincu provides digital marketing consulting and copywriting services.

We define each account type, discuss its unique characteristics, and provide examples. Use taxes are essentially sales taxes that are remitted directly to the government having jurisdiction, rather than through a supplier who would otherwise remit the tax. Taxes payable that result from the completion of a recent payroll transaction. Payments made by customers in advance of the seller completing services or shipping goods to them.

The types of current liability accounts used by a business will vary by industry, applicable regulations, and government requirements, so the preceding list is not all-inclusive. However, the list does include the current liabilities that will appear in most balance sheets.


This type of debt is also considered as short-term debt. Non-Current liabilities have a validity QuickBooks period of more than a year. These are liabilities are the ones that are due after one year.

Types Of Accounts In Accounting That Shouldn’t Fall Off Your Radar

They arise from purchase of inventory to be sold, purchase of office supplies and other assets, use of electricity, labor from employees, etc. A large portion of the required disclosures are numeric and must be supported by the Chart of accounts. Metadata, or “data about data.” The Chart of accounts is in itself Metadata. It’s bookkeeping examples a classification scheme that enables aggregation of individual financial transactions into coherent, and hopefully informative, financial statements. An almost identical chart of accounts is used in Norway. In France Liabilities and Equity are seen as negative Assets and not account types of themselves, just balance accounts.

  • Unearned revenue arises when a company sells goods or services to a customer who pays the company but doesn’t receive the goods or services.
  • Large companies, for instance, may often pay for travel services of their employees at a later date than when they were availed.
  • Again, such obligations would be recorded as accounts payable.
  • Right now it’s important just to know the basic concepts.
  • We will discuss more liabilities in depth later in the accounting course.
  • Unearned revenue is slightly different from other liabilities because it doesn’t involve direct borrowing.

We now offer 10 Certificates of Achievement for Introductory Accounting and Bookkeeping. Pending Investigations- Any pending investigations by the law, suppose if found defaulter than supposed to pay the penalty. Contingent Liabilities are obligations that may or may not occur. These obligations may arise due to specific situations and conditions.


Examples of current assets include accounts receivable and prepaid expenses. A liability is an obligation payable by a business to either internal (e.g. owner) or an external party (e.g. lenders).

Unearned revenue arises when a company sells goods or services to a customer who pays the company but doesn’t receive the goods or services. In effect, this customer paid in advance for is purchase.

Your trademark, logo, copyrights and other non-physical items are considered intangible assets. For instance, if you purchase a new computer worth $1,000 with a loan, then both the Assets and Liabilities accounts will increase by $1,000 each. Potential Lawsuits- This arises when a person gives a guarantee for another party if the actual party fails to pay the debt in time. Bonds Payable – This is a liability account that contains the amount owed to bondholders by the issuer. Bank Account overdrafts – These are the facilities given normally by a bank to their customers to use the excess credit when they don’t have sufficient funds. Dividends – The dividends are declared to the shareholders by the company and are yet to be paid to the shareholders. The complete Swedish BAS standard chart of about 1250 accounts is also available in English and German texts in a printed publication from the non-profit branch BAS organisation.

For all three ratios, a higher ratio denotes a larger amount of liquidity and therefore an enhanced ability for a business to meet its short-term obligations. This could be used to track other liabilities you would like included in your net worth. They can be used to track the value of a home, to keep a household inventory for insurance purposes, or track any other items you would like included in your net worth. All accounts, aside from Investment Accounts, can be specified as a “Child of” (sub-account of) another account of the same type. Expenses are costs your business incurs during operations. For example, buying office supplies is considered an expense.